Reviews From Theater Owners and Audience Members
“Scott Freiman’s lecture regarding Abbey Road was both illuminating and engaging, delivered in a manner as compelling to the long-time aficionado as it is to the relative neophyte. Moreover, his presentation provides insight into the recording and creative process by breaking down each song into its fundamental elements – a technique sure to interest fans of all types of music. We enthusiastically look forward to his next visit.”
“Scott presented his multi-media Deconstructing Sgt. Pepper lecture at our theater. It was fantastic! Our audience loved his presentation. It was lively, entertaining, and informative!”
“Scott Freiman’s Beatles series is a marvel, both with regard to entertaining content and repeatedly sold-out audience response!”
“Our audiences thoroughly enjoy these informative and entertaining lectures and immediately contact me afterwards to request that Scott come back for repeat shows because they want to bring their friends! Deconstructing the Beatles fills seats not just with Beatles fans (who are legion), but with those who are inspired by music and the creative process.”
“Our audiences love Scott Freiman’s presentations. It’s not just an event for fans of The Beatles. It’s an event for anyone who loves music and the treasure trove of stories hidden within each song. The best part is how much fun Scott makes it to go deep into the Fab Four’s creative process”
“Facebook cultivates an innovative hacker culture. Engineers are constantly finding creative solutions to challenges. The audio engineering culture at Abbey Road in the 60’s was not unlike Facebook today. Scott’s presentations offer fabulous insights into how the Beatles crafted timeless works of art that inspire everyone. A highly motivating experience!”
“In conjunction with his outstanding public presentation on the White Album, it was a great pleasure to have Scott Freiman give a presentation on “Strawberry Fields Forever” for my seminar “Sketch Studies Today,” which included music majors and graduate students. The materials and ideas he presented became important resources for the rest of the semester.”
“Scott’s deep knowledge of the Beatles’ music resonates with everyone — from guitar enthusiasts to music scholars!”
“I attended Tuesday’s (1/31/12) “A Trip Through Strawberry Fields: Deconstructing the Beatles” at Bryn Mawr Film Institute and enjoyed every moment. My sole association to music is that I appreciate it and your lecture filled up my appreciation cup. I was uncertain if the night would be heavy on the technical side, and was relieved that you masterfully provided detailed technical information in a very digestible, fun format. I listen to “Strawberry Fields,” “Penny Lane” and “A Day in the Life” very differently today thanks to your well conceived presentation. Please return to BMFI with more! I am a member and think it is a gem in our community.”
“I drove two hours in the pouring rain to enjoy for a second time your White Album show and to hear the Strawberry Fields show. Fab, Fab, FAB!”
“I just attended your two presentations at the Jacob Burns and smiled for the entire time!”
“I thoroughly enjoyed both lectures last night at the Jacob Burns! A well presented, perfect blend of fun and enlightenment. You had me at hello! Breaking down the tracks as you do is a real treat. It made it all new again. You have the perfect background (fan, educator, musician, writer). It’s a fine line you walk, presented with an audience made up of casual fans who simply know they love the music and the obsessive ones who start their questions to you with “... I’ve studied “Penny Lane” EXHAUSTIVELY, and I think...”. You cherry picked a perfect mix of info for all. You have a balanced eye — you assume some is myth, some is colored by a faulty memory here or a press agent there. Your approach allowed for these factors, and after passing it through your own filter, what emerged is a truly fine presentation. Expertly done!”
“Scott Freiman’s presentation was pure MAGIC. Just ask those lucky enough to attend one of our TWO SOLD OUT SHOWS! Can’t wait to have him back for another walk through Strawberry Fields!!”
“I found your presentation seamless, compelling, and perhaps most importantly — because we’re talking about the Beatles, after all, who could be merciless about pretension — never ponderous or pedantic. And your ability to integrate the visuals and the music made this prose writer jealous as hell. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation.”
“I wanted to write to thank you for traveling to the Avalon Theatre, here in Washington, to take our appreciative (and large) audience on A Trip Through Strawberry Fields. I found the presentation to be both intellectually stimulating and highly entertaining, a mix that’s particularly hard to achieve when presenting to the general public. Certainly some Hollywood filmmakers and studio chiefs could learn a thing or two about how to satisfy a large group! I know it’s a challenge to work with material that is well known (as Beatles songs are) and when there are countless experts already out there, yet you found a way to make the exploration of the origins and recording of the various songs seem as vital as ever. Bravo! We’d be thrilled to have you back soon to present another lecture to our wonderful audience here in D.C.”
“I can’t recommend Scott’s Beatles lecture enough...truly spectacular. A multimedia presentation, the combination of video/photos & live musical demonstration of some of the songs we know best reveals insights even rabid Beatles fans will be inspired by. The best part though is you don’t have to be a fan to be fascinated. The way Scott distills the mountain of Beatles info out there and is able to present it in a way that is both informative and entertaining is the coolest part. Obviously, there’s a magic in the room just because of the topic. But it’s his leadership that makes it fresh again. EVERYONE needs to see this. Truly a new way of taking a look/listen at the music so many of us love.”
“For anyone who loves the Beatles, Scott is an amazing resource. His lectures are completely entertaining and well-constructed. You’ll come away with a richer appreciation for every element of the craft: songwriting, musicianship and production. Scott takes you deep inside the amazingly creative process. Even for songs you’ve enjoyed countless times, you’ll hear — and learn — something new.”
“As a fellow Beatles fanatic and expert appreciator of their music, I can’t tell you how much fun it’s been to attend more than one of Scott’s Beatles lectures. He brings a tremendous amount of information to these presentations and it is delivered in a manner that can be enjoyed by beginner and archivist alike. Scott has an appreciation of the history of Beatles sessions and hands on knowledge of the techniques used to record these monumental tunes. Everyone should attend at least one of his talks.”
“Scott has artfully and intelligently crafted his Beatles Lectures into informative, entertaining and inspiring events. I attended the same lecture topic on more than one occasion and it was just as interesting the last time as it was the first. There’s a nice, fluid dynamic to Scott’s lectures, thanks to his technically well-constructed, media-rich presentation, effectively punctuated by impromptu audience interaction. He knows how to engage us with his wit, his grasp of the facts and his obvious passion for the subject. One walks away with a new appreciation of the Beatles, and only wanting to come back for more.”
“I have attended several of Scott’s Beatles lectures and have found each one to be a memorable experience. (I even brought my 8-year-old son to one, and he’s still talking about it!) His passion, his depth of knowledge and the creativity that he brings to each particular presentation is truly unique. I thought I knew everything about the Beatles that I could have cared about, but Scott’s lectures have really opened my eyes to new things and given me a new appreciation of the music and their whole creative process.”
“I found your entire presentation mesmerizing and nothing short of incredible. I also wanted to say how smooth your video and sound are put together.”
“Like most professional musicians my age, I can trace my choice of professions back to The Beatles’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan show. My gold records, career as an artist and studio musician all stemmed from one magical night in February 1964. I was even lucky enough to record two of my albums at Abbey Road, using several of the Beatles original keyboards. Having been a life-long student of The Beatles, George Martin, Geoff Emerick, et al., I was very curious to attend one of Scott’s “Deconstructing the Beatles” lectures. I went to the “Rubber Soul” lecture and was not only blown away by Scott’s knowledge and attention to detail, but also by his ability to explain quite technical production issues in a way that was easily understandable by both the professional musician and the average fan who had most likely never seen the inside of a studio. Each song was presented in several forms - ranging from the most basic demo to the finished master. By presenting each song this way, Scott was able to shed light on the input of the artist as well as the engineer and producer. He really showed how the band’s collaborative process worked in the studio and how integral George Martin and the engineers were to The Beatles’ success. “Deconstructing The Beatles” is a “must see” for anyone interested in The Beatles and their production team.”
“A day catching up up with old friends and new and having our minds blown once again by Scott Freiman and his Deconstructing The Beatles presentation. This was our fourth year in a row for the program and we settled in for a day/night doubleheader: Rubber Soul in the afternoon followed by a trip through Strawberry Fields in the evening. Context and detail to fascinate and entertain casual fans and hard core “musicologists” alike. Fifty years on there is still more to discover in The Beatles story and Freiman presents it in a way that produces amazement. You couldn’t make up the backstories but the takeaway from yesterday’s programs was the incredible drive and creative force of The Beatles (and their team, headed by George Martin and Geoff Emerick) against time and studio limitations.”
“Every year, Scott Freiman, takes a different Beatles album and does a two hour presentation and tours various venues around the country. He uses alternate takes, isolated tracks, lots of context about the time, what other musicians were doing, and gives a lot of background on how they produced particular effects. Last night we went to hear his talk about Rubber Soul. Even if you are only a marginal Beatles fan, his presentations are excellent, highly recommended. The name of his website is Deconstructing The Beatles. I generally try to avoid boomer catnip, but I have to say I love this stuff.”
“Your show on Friday in Schenectady was fascinating and well done. Although your knowledge of The Beatles was enjoyable, I most enjoyed your amazing presentation style. You have such a natural way of speaking, understand the dynamics of a good presentation, and connect with the audience. I learned a lot not just about a band I’ve listened to for over 37 years but also about how to improve my presentation style. I hope you return to The Capital District region soon!”
“I want to express my deep gratitude to you for your work, for the four lectures which I have attended here in Los Angeles at the Crest Theatre. I think you are extraordinary...I think your work is extraordinary...I think your lectures are extraordinary. I feel the four lectures I have attended (A Trip Through Strawberry Fields-6/26/15, Tomorrow Never Knows-6/27/15, Deconstructing Sgt. Pepper-10/9/15, Looking Through a Glass Onion-10/10/15) are collectively the best, most interesting, most enjoyable educational experience I have ever had. And taken together the two most recent lectures (Sgt. Pepper followed by Glass onion) are the finest single educational experience I have ever had. You are a great teacher. The Glass Onion lecture blew me away. It was the single best class on anything I have ever had the luck/pleasure to attend. It was a perfect teaching learning experience. The audience was enthralled. You were wonderful. The material you chose, the musical excerpts, the videos, your delivery were marvelous. In the future, I might be lucky to attend an educational experience as good as the glass onion lecture, but not better. Your Glass Onion lecture sets the bar...Mt. Everest!!! The four lectures I have attended have been immensely entertaining educational enriching experiences. I was especially blown away by the music excerpts. I found myself crying from joy...I had to restrain myself from sobbing...I was embarrassed by the depth and strength of my emotional reactions. As a teacher, what you are is a go out and search for gold. With great intelligence, energy, effort and love you search for it, dig for it, sift for it, collect it. Then you share the present and give the gold to your audience. I can never thank you enough. You have enriched me and many other people with your knowledge and passion.”